
Monday, December 3, 2007

Fiery Monday

The phone woke me up at 6:00 A.M. To my surprise, it was work calling to say there would be a delayed opening today due to the ice storm that came in late last night. I had stopped listening to the weather reports yesterday once the snow tapered off much earlier than expected, and I had no idea that the weather was so severe out there.
Delays are not easy. Our students come from all over the state and the buses straggle in as the conditions are different in every region. The kids are off schedule which makes it difficult for some of them to cope, appointments and specials need to be rescheduled, and the phones ring off of the hook. You get the picture.
To add to the mix today, we had an emergency. The powers lines fell and burst into flames. We had a huge fire burning on the lawn and we lost our power. No phones, no lights, no computers, and a school full of anxious students.
I have never seen anything like this before, the fire ball burned a stark white color, similar to fireworks. The smoke was very thick. It seemed to take longer than usual for the fire department and the electric company to get there, but I think that it just felt long because we were waiting and watching.
We ended up being lucky, although the road was closed for a little while, we ended up with our power back on just as it was time for lunch. We all cheered and clapped when those lights came back on!
Later in the day people went outside to inspect the damage. The asphalt driveway had actually melted and looked like lava from the fire, and they found glass made from the sand and the intense heat. A hands-on science class!
While snow fall is so pretty, and the ice is so beautiful on the trees, it causes such dangerous conditions. There were fatal accidents last night, reminding all of us that it gets wicked out there on those roads. That is why I don't look forward to wintertime.
On a brighter note, Josh Groban's Christmas CD Noel came today. That man has a voice. His singing sends chills up and down my spine and brings tears to my eyes. I highly recommend it for those who are interested!


Cheryl said...

Here in MD we're getting the cold and very gusty winds, but no snow or ice. It sounds crazy there in New England. I'm glad you didn't lose your power for longer than you did. I hate when it goes out. You just feel so isolated.

Stay warm, stay safe.

Andrew said...

I always wish for snow, but will pass on an ice storm. Sounded like it was a chaotic morning and I hope things are back to normal now. Downed powerlines are so very dangerous. Hope you are well, Lena.

mosiacmind said...

WOW what a day. I hope that everything gets to working again quickly