
Saturday, December 1, 2007

What a Difference a Year Makes

"You are the Christmas miracle," I said to my relative, as I kissed him on the cheek when we were departing from his wedding tonight. "Yes, you are right, I am a miracle considering I was in a convalescent home last year at this time," he replied shaking his head in amazement.

He was a very sick man just one year ago as he went back and forth from the hospital into the convalescent home a few times. We were not sure he was going to even make it to see Christmas. I remember visiting him one Sunday after noon and he was just wasting away, so ill with an uncertain diagnosis. He wasn't eating, and even some homemade Italian food that we brought him could not coax him to try a bite.
Christmas was around the corner and the Carolers were there that afternoon singing up a storm up and down the hallways. He lifted his head for a second and he feebly made a movement with his hand that signaled me to close the door so they would not come in. I so understood his despair. He was one of the youngest ones in the convalescent home, it was Christmas time, and he was so very sick that he could not be home alone.
That was then.
Today was his wedding day. He came to the ceremony looking so handsome all dressed up in his finest suit. There he stood; happy, healthy, and whole once again. There they stood, hand in hand ready to start a new life and face life's ups and downs together.
It was a heartwarming and humbling day today, and it just goes to show you that the future is unpredictable.


Cheryl said...

What a very hopeful story. Please tell us more.

josie2shoes said...

What a beautiful story! I love knowing that life holds twists and turns we could never imagine. Some we couldn't face if we knew about them in advance, and some are so magical that it would spoil the surprise. I am so glad to hear this about your relative. It is a lesson in hope that he will always remember. I wish them many happy years together!

Mike said...

Thank you for the nice comment this morning.

What a great story. It’s amazing the ups and downs one can experience in one lifetime. It is inspirational to hear how wonderfully things have worked out for your relative.