
Monday, December 17, 2007

Monday, Monday

Today was the third Monday in a row with a delayed opening for school. We ended up with more ice than snow and it made for very tricky traveling conditions this morning.
The day flew by with all my appointments rescheduled to later in the day or for tomorrow. Everyone is trying to get in this week before Christmas vacation and I am jumping through hoops to accommodate people.
After work we had a small celebration to open up our secret Santa gifts and have some appetizers. It was a nice gathering, but I kept checking my watch for the time, because I needed to leave early to attend the wake of the husband of a close friend who suddenly passed away last week after a brief illness.
I am taking a few hours off tomorrow morning to attend the funeral as well. I never used to take time off for funerals unless for family, but I noticed that other people take off time for things I wouldn't dream of, so I decided not to be so strict with myself. I really want to be there for my friend, and I know she will appreciate it.
I was sad to hear that Dan Fogelberg passed away. When I got into my car and turned on the ignition, "Same Old Lang Syne" was playing on the radio.
I always liked that song.

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