
Thursday, December 13, 2007

Long Day's Journey

The husband finally pulled into the driveway. It usually takes him about a half hour to get home from work. Today, a record FOUR hours to get home. Good thing they had a 12:30 PM dismissal. The weather has been fluctuating between snow and freezing rain most of the afternoon. Even though the severity of the storm was predicted early, he said the roads were not being sanded or plowed.
I am grateful that my family members are home safely, and very relieved I was not out driving in this mess.
I am feeling badly that I can no longer help the husband shovel snow due to my injured knee. It is hard being restricted with activities, but more than that, it is hard having to be completely dependent on others for some things. We have always tried to share chores.
Life is all about adjusting to new circumstances.


Cheryl said...

I'm glad your family is home safe and sound. They're calling for bad weather here starting this weekend. Snow? Ice? A mix? It could mean no party here. Or a big one for the neighborhood.

Stay safe and warm.

mosiacmind said...

I am glad that your family is safe. I know what it is like to have a bad knee! I am hoping that next week when I go to the doctor I can get a brace for mine and just think that leg used to be my good one. i think this weekend we are to get freezing rain. I am not a fan of snow but would prefer snow to freezing rain.

Mike said...

Wow, four hours. I'm glad everyone made it home safely. The snow is coming down really hard here too. I'm happy that I don't have to go anywhere, and I can just relax and enjoy the snow.

Patty said...

The last time I had that feeling of not being able to relax until all my chicks were under one roof was 9/11. I hope to never have like that again.

One of the hardest things for us women who have always been caregivers it to sit back and be taken care of, so maybe this knee injury is your gift so you might be able to practice that lesson? Besides, just because you are not able to shovel snow I bet there are still MANY ways you are giving to your relationship. They all count!