
Friday, December 28, 2007

Work, Read, Blog, Work

Today is an absolutely beautiful sunny and warm day. Snow all melted and so mild and muddy out there. Temp is 43 degrees, but it feels higher.
I took my son down to the train station this morning as he was heading out to NYC to meet a friend and then take off for up state New York. Seems like he just got home and he is off again till New Year's Day. He is a traveler and adventurer, no grass growing under his feet. He is so different than the rest of us.
And so my house is quiet again for a few days and we will adjust to the empty nest once again. In return for the ride to the train station, he willingly called me at all his connection points, because he knows I don't relax when he is traveling. Roots and wings... I try to provide that, but I know I tug at those wings, probably a wee bit too much.
My aunt was off having tests today at the hospital and may come home. We are just waiting for the call before we head up there either to visit or bring her home.
Today I decided to rearrange all of my kitchen cabinets to make room for the new glida+ stor that I purchased yesterday. It is a great compact storage system, by the way. So my kitchen is filled with all kinds of piles of things that will go off to the garage or Good Will in an effort to make things more organized around here. The husband will not be able to find anything tonight.
In between working on the cabinets I have been breaking away to read my book, Eat, Pray, Love. It was so nice outside that I swept away all of the Mimosa tree twigs and seeds off of the deck from the wind storm the other night, and sat outside to read. ( The son just called again. On the second train heading towards Jersey, now.) I love reading in natural light, it is so much kinder to these fragile eyes.
Oh how I am loving this book, I can't read it now without a highlighter next to me, because there is so much I want to go back to. The book provokes so many feelings that I can not even sort them out, but every once in a while, my eyes tear up and my heart bursts with emotion.
That would be my little joy for today.


mosiacmind said...

Hello...I am curious about the book that you are reading can you mention a bit more of it either on your blog or as a comment on mine pleaes? I love to read!

Mike said...

It’s funny how warm 43 degrees feels in the winter. It is the same temperature here today, and it feels good. And how nice to be able to sit outside and read! I do the same thing when I’m reading a book that I love- I pencil in little stars next to passages that I want to return to.

I wish your aunt the best and a quick return home.

Moohaa said...

Sounds like a good day. Productive with a good book to greet you at the end.

Like Mosaic, I would love to hear more about the book you're reading.

Cheryl said...

I read the first third of the book, but got stuck in India. I LOVED Italy, and read sections out loud to other people. My book club chose this for our next book, so I will read it through. If I ever get to Italy, I'm going to that pizza place!

Lisa said...

sounds like a close to perfect kind of day! it's interesting to hear how others respond to 'eat pray love.' you can check out the author's website. she has links to the pizza place and the neat folks she met in bali.

i relate to your son, the adventuring, travel and wanderlust. i loved your comment about how grass doesn't grow under his feet. beautiful!

best to you, lisamoon

Mike said...

I hope you have a great New Year's Eve, and may 2008 be full of wonder and joy for you!

jAMiE said...

I too hope you have a happy, healthy 2008. Enjoy your book! I miss reading.