1. A nice relaxing Sunday morning.
2. Watching a clip of the broadway play Motown on TV. It gave me the chills.
3. How beautiful my mom looked today.
4. How excited mom was when she opened her gift.
5. A delicious Easter dinner.
6. How my sister re -arranged her house so we could all eat dinner in the same room.
7. Skyping with my niece and her daughter.
8. Mom and I singing In Your Easter Bonet together.
9. My sister sent left overs home with us.
10. How we were able to get off the highway and take the back roads to avoid the traffic backup!
Yeah, it's 2012!
13 years ago
Beautiful. Hope you had a relaxing Easter with your family.
Love the painting. Did you do it?
Life is good. I would also like to know who did the painting. I'm in love.
My husband is the artist in the family. This is a painting of a farm in Vermont that we pass when we go up there.
He apprecates your comments!
I like that painting too, tell your husband that he did a great job! It has such a nice homey feeling about it! You are so very blessed to have your Mom still with you, sounds like you had a wonderful family gathering and just a great Easter... how far your life has come from a year ago!
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