
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Oprah Show

I watched Oprah today and she featured a family of hoarders. The woman was a compulsive shopper who went shopping every day and and her home was filled with piles and piles of unopened merchandise. Piles so high that they could not watch TV because they could not see over the piles.
It took 8 weeks and 100 people to clear out 75 tons of stuff from the house. It was so sad and painful to see how they were living amid all that stuff. When I was talking about clutter in one of my posts, it was nothing like this, but I suppose it is like anything else and the possibility of things getting so out of control could be around the corner if given a particular set of circumstances. Oprah made a point of telling the audience that by comparing a messy junk drawer to their home. The woman also experienced a great deal of loss in a short time and she was trying to fill up a void in her life.
The woman was a brave soul to allow the Oprah show into her world and help her to literally dig her way out. Tomorrow is part 2 and I hope I am home to see the end results.


Andrew said...

That's is fascinating in an odd way. It reminds me of the interesting people who collect cats. I have heard horror stories of houses filled with feces and sickly cats barely making it by. It must be the same mindset. I am going to tune in tomorrow as well and watch, interested. Thanks for sharing this!

Cheryl said...

My neighbor is best friends with a hoarder. It's so hard to understand--she's so intelligent, so funny, so down-to-earth. I wish I could've watched the shows. My VCR is shot and I don't have a DVR. I'll have to hope for reruns.