
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Simple Abundance

A few years back I saw Sarah Ban Breathnach on the Oprah show talking about her new book, Simple Abundance: A Day Book of Comfort and Joy. One of the chapters in her book talked about keeping a gratitude journal everyday. She suggested that in the journal you should write down 3 things a day (or more) that you are grateful for. I used to do that every night before I went to bed and it was pretty amazing to see that when you take the time to write about the positive things going on in your life, how much there really is to be grateful for.

As with most things, my good intentions did not last and I let that good habit slip away. As I was thinking about Thanksgiving today while listening on the radio and TV and reading in blogs what people are thankful for, I remembered my gratitude journal of a long time ago and vowed to begin keeping it again. After all, one day a year is not hardly enough to think about the things in our lives that we have that we are grateful for. It can even be something little in our day, like passing up the potato chips!

I pulled out my Simple Abundance book to begin reading it again. I have read it over a few times. It is written in essay form one for every day of the year and takes you on a spiritual journey to help you to discover your authentic self, which Sarah says is the Soul made visible.

So I am going to curl up now with one of my favorite books and read the essay for today, and begin a new gratitude journal. I can't think of a better day to start.


Andrew said...

A gratitude journal sounds like such a great idea. I am going to start one as well and occasionally post them on my blog. I know I harp about what is always wrong with my life on my journal, but I have a lot of things to be thankful for as well. Enjoy your holiday weekend, friend!

mosiacmind said...

Gratitude list is something that I learned about years ago when I was going to AA and NA meetings. I find myself when I take time to make gratitude lists and for me part of that is remembering lj's which stands for little joys that it does help all of the times but especially when things are rough. I find it interesting how many people I am in contact with who I may know lots or just getting to know via blogger buddies gratitude lists aka blessings seem to be on lots of peoples minds.