
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Little guy

When I am looking at other people's blog I come across so many posts by young mothers who are writing about their lives with their young children. They have such sweet pictures of their kids posted and have all the touching stories about motherhood and words straight out of the mouths of babes.

I am envious of the young mother bloggers, how great to post the day to day happenings of life with infants and toddlers (and all the way up) and connect with other mothers from all over the world. Who would have thought it possible?

It also makes me long to be able to go back in time when the kids were little and I was young. Our empty nest is quiet now and I miss the hustle and bustle of family life. If I ever find a time machine that is exactly where I would go to. I guess I am ready for the next phase of grandmother hood, but I think that is a bit off in the distant future for now.

My youngest son was home from college this weekend and it was great hanging out with him and catching up on his life. I was looking at old pictures tonight and found one of him that is one of my favorites from when he was about 4 years old on my dad's tractor. So I think I will post it tonight for fun.


Andrew said...

My great aunt had a tractor just like that in the shed in her backyard. I, too, would love to play on it acting as if it were a car and I was driving down the highway. Thank for the memories tonight and it was a lovely pic. Do you have a scanner? If you do it does a wonderful job.

Jonathon Andrew

Lena said...

Yes, we have a scanner. My husband has scanned every photo we have and all the family photos. I love looking at them on the computer, because they look so much sharper.

Hope you sleep well tonight...